- User Guide
- Guide de l’utilisateur
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Guía del usuario
- Pyководство пользователя
- Οδηγός χρηστών
- 使用手冊(繁中)
- 使用手冊 (簡中)
Model No. : VS12570
Important Safety Instructions
1. DO NOT press or touch the LCD Screen. DO NOT place the Notebook PC wꢀth small
ꢀtems, they may scratch LCD Screen or enter the Notebook PC.
2. DO NOT expose the Notebook PC to dꢀrty or dusty envꢀronment. Keep the envꢀronment
clean and dry.
3. DO NOT place the Notebook PC on uneven or unstable work surface.
4. DO NOT place or drop objects on the top of the Notebook PC. DO NOT shove any
foreꢀgn objects ꢀnto the Notebook PC. DO NOT cover the LCD Screen strongly.
5. DO NOT expose the Notebook PC to strong magnetic or electrical fields; DO NOT
place the floppy disk near or on the Notebook PC, that may loss the data of the floppy
6. DO NOT leave the Notebook PC facꢀng the sun as ꢀt can damage the LCD Screen,
especꢀally ꢀn the car.
7. SAFE TEMP: Thꢀs Notebook PC should only be used ꢀn envꢀronments wꢀth ambꢀent
temperatures between 5°C (41°F) and 35°C(95°F).
8. DO NOT expose the Notebook PC to or use near lꢀquꢀds, raꢀn, or moꢀsture.
9. Cautꢀon: rꢀsk of explosꢀon ꢀf battery ꢀs replaced by an ꢀncorrect type. Dꢀspose of used
batterꢀes accordꢀng to the ꢀnstructꢀons.
10. DO NOT throw the Notebook PC ꢀn munꢀcꢀpal waste. Check local regulatꢀons for
dꢀsposal of electronꢀc products. Please recycle the Battery Pack, and check wꢀth your
Local Authorꢀty or retaꢀler for recyclꢀng advꢀce.
11. The Notebook PC and the Adapter may occur some heat durꢀng operatꢀng or chargꢀng.
DO NOT leave the Notebook PC on your lap or any part of the body ꢀn order to prevent
dꢀscomfort or ꢀnjury from heat exposure.
12. INPUT RATING: Refer to the ratꢀng label on the Notebook PC and be sure that the
Power Adapter complies with the rating. Only use attachments or accessories specified
by the manufacturer.
13. Checkꢀng the connectꢀons between the maꢀn unꢀt and attachments before turnꢀng on
the Notebook PC.
14. DO NOT use the Notebook PC durꢀng eatꢀng food avoꢀd dꢀrtyꢀng the Notebook PC.
15. DO NOT ꢀnsert anythꢀng ꢀnto the Notebook PC that may result ꢀn short cꢀrcuꢀt or
damage the cꢀrcuꢀt.
16. Powerꢀng off the Notebook PC, ꢀf you want ꢀnstall or remove some external devꢀces,
whꢀch are not support hot-plug.
ViewSonic VNB100
17. Dꢀsconnect the Notebook PC from the electrꢀcal outlet and remove any ꢀnstalled
batterꢀes before cleanꢀng. And Keep ꢀt away from chꢀldren.
18. DO NOT disassemble the Notebook PC, only a certified service technician
should perform repaꢀrs on your computer. Otherwꢀse, problem may result and the
manufacturer should not hold responsꢀbꢀlꢀty for the damage.
19. Only use Battery Packs approved by the manufacturer or else damage may occur.
20. The Notebook PC has some little metal flake to disperse heat. DO NOT place the
Notebook PC on soft objects (e.g.: bed, sofa, your lap), or else the Notebook PC may
become hot and halt the system operatꢀng.
ViewSonic VNB100
Declaration of RoHS Compliance
Thꢀs product has been desꢀgned and manufactured ꢀn complꢀance wꢀth Dꢀrectꢀve 2002/95/
EC of the European Parlꢀament and the Councꢀl on restrꢀctꢀon of the use of certaꢀn
hazardous substances ꢀn electrꢀcal and electronꢀc equꢀpment (RoHS Dꢀrectꢀve) and ꢀs
deemed to comply wꢀth the maxꢀmum concentratꢀon values ꢀssued by the European
Technꢀcal Adaptatꢀon Commꢀttee (TAC) as shown below:
Proposed Maximum Concentration Actual Concentration
Lead (Pb)
< 0,1%
< 0,1%
< 0,01%
< 0,1%
< 0,1%
< 0,1%
Mercury (Hg)
Cadmꢀum (Cd)
Hexavalent Chromꢀum (Cr6+)
Polybromꢀnated bꢀphenyls (PBB)
Polybromꢀnated dꢀphenyl ethers (PBDE) 0,1%
Certaꢀn components of products as stated above are exempted under the Annex of the
RoHS Dꢀrectꢀves as noted below:
Examples of exempted components are:
1. Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per lamp and in other lamps
not specifically mentioned in the Annex of RoHS Directive.
2. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components, fluorescent tubes, and
electronꢀc ceramꢀc parts (e.g. pꢀezoelectronꢀc devꢀces).
3. Lead ꢀn hꢀgh temperature type solders (ꢀ.e. lead-based alloys contaꢀnꢀng 85% by weꢀght
or more lead).
4. Lead as an allottꢀng element ꢀn steel contaꢀnꢀng up to 0.35% lead by weꢀght, alumꢀnꢀum
contaꢀnꢀng up to 0.4% lead by weꢀght and as a cooper alloy contaꢀnꢀng up to 4% lead
by weꢀght.
ViewSonic VNB100
Copyright Information
Copyrꢀght © VꢀewSonꢀc® Corporatꢀon, 2009. All rꢀghts reserved.
Mꢀcrosoft®, Wꢀndows®, Wꢀndows NT®, and the Wꢀndows® logo are regꢀstered trademarks of
Mꢀcrosoft® Corporatꢀon ꢀn the Unꢀted States and other countrꢀes.
VꢀewSonꢀc®, the three bꢀrds logo, OnVꢀew®, VꢀewMatch™, and VꢀewMeter® are regꢀstered
trademarks of VꢀewSonꢀc® Corporatꢀon.
Intel®, Pentꢀum®, and Atom™ are regꢀstered trademarks of Intel Corporatꢀon.
Dꢀsclaꢀmer: VꢀewSonꢀc® Corporatꢀon shall not be lꢀable for technꢀcal or edꢀtorꢀal errors or
omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from
furnꢀshꢀng thꢀs materꢀal, or the performance or use of thꢀs product.
In the ꢀnterest of contꢀnuꢀng product ꢀmprovement, VꢀewSonꢀc® Corporatꢀon reserves the
right to change product specifications without notice. Information in this document may
change wꢀthout notꢀce.
No part of thꢀs document may be copꢀed, reproduced, or transmꢀtted by any means, for any
purpose wꢀthout prꢀor wrꢀtten permꢀssꢀon from VꢀewSonꢀc® Corporatꢀon.
Product Registration
To meet your future needs, and to receꢀve any addꢀtꢀonal product ꢀnformatꢀon as ꢀt becomes
VꢀewSonꢀc® Wꢀzard CD-ROM also provꢀdes an opportunꢀty for you to prꢀnt the regꢀstratꢀon
form, whꢀch you may maꢀl or fax to VꢀewSonꢀc®.
For Your Records
Product Name:
VꢀewSonꢀc 10" NetBook
VNB100-1_UG_ENG Rev. 1B 05-06-09
Model Number:
Document Number:
Serial Number:
Purchase Date:
Product disposal at end of product life
The lamp ꢀn thꢀs product contaꢀns mercury. Please dꢀspose of ꢀn accordance wꢀth local,
state or federal laws.
VꢀewSonꢀc® ꢀs concerned about the preservatꢀon of our envꢀronment. Please dꢀspose of thꢀs
product properly at the end of ꢀts useful lꢀfe. For the recyclꢀng ꢀnformatꢀon, please refer to
our websꢀte:
3. Taꢀwan: recycle.epa.gov.tw
ViewSonic VNB100
Meanings of icons:
Forbꢀddꢀng: forbꢀd ꢀmproper operatꢀons to avoꢀd damagꢀng the Notebook PC.
Cautꢀon: cautꢀons for operators to avoꢀd potentꢀal damages. Please note and
Importance: important information, common notes, definitions, general knowledge
and references, etc.
ViewSonic VNB100
1. Knowing Your Notebook PC ............................................................................. 1
1-1 Top Side........................................................................................................ 1
1-2 Right Side ..................................................................................................... 2
1-3 Left Side........................................................................................................ 2
1-4 Bottom Side .................................................................................................. 2
2. Caring the Notebook PC.................................................................................... 3
2-1 LCD Screen .................................................................................................. 3
2-2 Hard Disk Drive (HDD).................................................................................. 3
2-3 Battery Pack.................................................................................................. 4
2-4 Keyboard....................................................................................................... 4
2-5 Touch Pad..................................................................................................... 4
2-6 Other accessories......................................................................................... 4
2-7 If the water comes into the Notebook PC...................................................... 5
2-8 Other Notes................................................................................................... 5
3. Traveling with the Notebook PC....................................................................... 6
3-1 Attention........................................................................................................ 6
3-2 How to enter the suspend mode ................................................................... 6
4. Keep the data for future possible use.............................................................. 7
4-1 HDD Partition................................................................................................ 7
4-2 Class the data in the HDD............................................................................. 7
5. Getting Started................................................................................................... 8
5-1 Install the Rechargeable Battery................................................................... 8
5-2 Remove the Battery Pack ............................................................................. 8
5-3 Connecting the Power Adapter ..................................................................... 9
6. Using Your Notebook PC ................................................................................ 10
6-1 Turning on the Notebook PC....................................................................... 10
6-2 Adjust the Brightness of LCD Screen.......................................................... 10
6-3 Keyboard Usage ......................................................................................... 10
6-4 Card Reader Usage.................................................................................... 11
6-5 The Memory Card....................................................................................... 11
6-5-1 Insert The Memory Card.......................................................................... 11
6-5-2 Pull out the Memory Card ........................................................................ 11
7. Internet Connection......................................................................................... 12
7-1 Connect the Lineate LAN............................................................................ 12
7-2 Wireless LAN .............................................................................................. 13
ViewSonic VNB100
8. Power Managing System................................................................................. 14
8-1 Battery System............................................................................................ 14
8-1-1 Checking Battery Power .................................................................... 14
8-1-2 Charging the Battery Pack................................................................. 15
8-1-3 Low Power Warning........................................................................... 15
8-1-4 Battery Power .................................................................................... 15
8-1-5 Store the Battery Pack....................................................................... 15
8-1-6 Prolonging the Battery’s Life.............................................................. 15
8-2 Power Management Modes ........................................................................ 16
8-2-1 Standby mode of the System............................................................. 16
8-2-2 Hibernate ........................................................................................... 16
8-2-3 Log Off............................................................................................... 16
8-2-4 Restart the System ............................................................................ 16
8-3 Power Saving.............................................................................................. 17
8-3-1 Connect the Adapter without using Battery Pack............................... 17
8-3-2 Adjust the brightness of LCD Screen................................................. 17
9. Upgrading Your Notebook PC ........................................................................ 18
9-1 Connect the External Monitor...................................................................... 18
9-1-1 How to connect the External Monitor ................................................. 18
9-1-2 Connect Keyboard and Mouse .......................................................... 18
9-1-3 Connect Audio Device ....................................................................... 18
9-1-4 Lock Port............................................................................................ 19
9-2 Enter the BIOS Setup Menu........................................................................ 19
9-3 System Recovery Management.................................................................. 20
9-3-1 One Key for System Recovery........................................................... 20
9-3-1 System Recovery CD......................................................................... 21
10. Appendix......................................................................................................... 22
10-1 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 22
10-2 Specifications............................................................................................ 23
ViewSonic VNB100
1. Knowing Your Notebook PC
1-1 Top Side
1. Built-in Camera
Click Fn+F1 to turn on or off the camera
Click Fn+NumLk to turn on the light and
the numeric keypad is unlocked.
Cap Lock Indicator
2. LCD Screen
Light is green when the cap keypad is
3. Power button
4. Keyboard
Charge Indicator
Light is orange during being charged
and is green when the battery is fully
Power Indicator
HDD Status Indicator
Light is green when the HDD is in active
12. Left-key
13. Right-key
14. Touch Pad
WiFi Indicator
Numeric Keypad Indicator
ViewSonic VNB100
1-2 Right Side
1. SD/MMC/MS Port
2. USB Port (2.0)
3. VGA Port
4. Lock Port
1-3 Left Side
1. Power Jack
2. Ethernet/LAN Port
3. USB Port (2.0)
4. Headphone Jack
5. Microphone Jack
6. Express Card Port
The USB card can only be inserted in one orientation. Force to insert the card may in
result of damage.
1-4 Bottom Side
1. Lithium Rechargeable Battery
2. Battery Latch
3. Speakers
ViewSonic VNB100
2. Caring the Notebook PC
The Notebook PC is a precision device; the error operation may damage the device.
2-1 LCD Screen
LCD Screen is the most delicate component of the Notebook PC and comprised of thin
glass. It may be broken up by external abrupt force. DO NOT scratch the cover of the Notebook
PC, or the scrape on the cover cannot remove.
DO NOT cover the LCD Screen strongly, or else damage may occur.
DO NOT place objects on the keyboard to avoid damaging the screen and keyboard when
you cover the LCD Screen.
Place the Notebook PC in carrying case to protect it from dirt, water, shock and scratches
before traveling.
DO NOT drop or place heavy objects on the LCD Screen.
DO NOT scratch the LCD Screen with your fingernails or any hard objects.
Use a soft and lint-free cloth to wipe your Notebook PC and wipe it gently in order to avoid
damaging the LCD Screen.
Shut down the LCD Screen, if the Notebook PC will not be used for a long time.
DO NOT clean the LCD Screen with chemical cleaners.
The LCD Screen DOES NOT come into contact with hard objects (E.g.: cloth button,
Use a soft and lint-free dry cloth to wipe the LCD Screen smoothly. DO NOT use your hand
to wipe the LCD Screen directly.
DO NOT spill liquid into the Notebook PC as it can damage the components of the
Notebook PC.
Cover the LCD Screen smoothly in order to avoid moving the hinges and flashing the LCD
DO NOT clean the Touch Pad with acidic cleaner or spray cleaning solution directly
on the Notebook PC.
2-2 Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Place the operating Notebook PC in steady and even table. Poor handling of the Notebook
PC may damage the HDD.
The HDD is the most delicate component in turning on and powering off the system. The
HDD operates at unsteady fast speeds during turning on the Notebook PC; the vibrancy
may damage the track of HDD. If the axes of the HDD have not stop completely at the
powering off the Notebook PC, the vibrancy may damage the HDD.
ViewSonic VNB100
2-3 Battery Pack
Please recycle the Battery Pack, and check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling
DO NOT put the Battery Pack near or into the fire, or else it may cause fire or explode.
The Battery Pack will short circuit if the Battery Pack is punctured or reassembled
The ideal temperature range that the Battery Pack be used is between 20℃-30℃. Any
temperatures above or below this range will shorten the life of the Battery Pack.
2-4 Keyboard
Keyboard is the most often used component by finger directly. Use a little brush to clean or a
can of compressed air to remove dust from between the keys on the keyboard. Moisten a soft,
lint-free cloth with water or cleaner and wipe the surface of the keys smoothly.
If the water seeps into the keyboard, the circuit will not be damaged directly because of the
no-power supply keyboard. But the deteriorate of the Printed circuit board will occur and will
result in malfunction of the keyboard. Contact your dealer for advises at this moment.
2-5 Touch Pad
Keep your hand clean when using the Touch Pad, or else the cursor is out of control.
If the Touch Pad is dirty, moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with water and wipe the Touch Pad
The Touch Pad is pressure sensitive, DO NOT scratch the Touch Pad with hard objects, or
rest heavy objects on it.
2-6 Other accessories
Following the below steps before cleaning your Notebook PC and the accessories.
1. Turn off the Notebook PC. Disconnect your Notebook PC and all external devices from their
electrical outlets and remove the installed battery.
2. Use the little dust collector to pump the dust from the slot of plug or keyboard.
3. Moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with water and wipe the surface of the Notebook PC smoothly.
DO NOT seep liquid into the Notebook PC in order to avoid shorting of circuit and the
damage of the Notebook PC.
4. Turn on the Notebook PC after drying it.
ViewSonic VNB100
2-7 If the water comes into the Notebook PC
DO NOT turn on the Notebook PC immediately.
Disconnect the outlet cable and detach the Battery Pack in order to turn off the Notebook
PC, instead of pressing the POWER button to turn off it. Disconnect all external devices.
Spill out the water from the Notebook PC. Use a soft and waterish paper or cloth to wipe
the surface of the Notebook PC lightly.
Use the fanner to dry the Notebook PC and the accessories, and then send it to the service
center for advice.
DO NOT use hair drier to dry the Notebook PC, or the high temperature may distort it.
DO NOT place the Notebook PC into the dirty carrying case again.
2-8 Other Notes
DO NOT expose the Notebook PC in hot environment for a long time, especially in the car.
Or the parts of the Notebook PC will be metamorphic.
Keep the data for future possible use termly.
Renew the hardware or software termly in order to keep the Notebook PC compatible and
ViewSonic VNB100
3. Traveling with the Notebook PC
Turn off the Notebook PC and disconnect all lines before moving it. Following the below
steps, if you want to travel with your Notebook PC.
3-1 Attention
1. Charge the Battery Pack and the spare Battery Pack fully.
2. Turn off the Notebook PC and disconnect from the wall outlets.
3. Shut down the LCD Screen completely and smoothly.
4. Disconnect the AC lines.
5. Disconnect all lines.
6. Place the Notebook PC in carrying case to protect it from dirt, water, shock and scratches
before traveling.
7. Check that you have taken the spare Battery Pack, AC Adapter, power lines, manual and
warranty card. DO NOT forget the passwords of the Notebook PC and HDD.
8. Find out the voltage type in the countries you will visit. Your Notebook PC comes with a
universal AC-DC adapter, so you only need to buy the different power cords to connect the
different outlets or the hotel may provide universal outlets to support your power cord as
well as voltages.
If you drive your car with the Notebook PC, DO NOT leave the Notebook PC facing
the sun. Place it in the shady and cool area.
DO NOT remove the HDD immediately while or after operating. Set the Notebook PC
into the Standby mode or Hibernation mode, before moving it.
The connection between Internet and your Notebook PC will be interrupted when the
system enter the hibernation mode.
3-2 How to enter the suspend mode
Click the left button of the mouse on the “Start”→ Click the left button of the mouse on the
“Turn Off Computer”,Click the left button of the mouse on ”Standby”or ”Hibernation” items,then
the system will enter the standby mode or Hibernate mode.
If you will attend a meeting with the Notebook PC and want still keep the Notebook PC in the
current state, please set the system into suspend mode. When you turn on the Notebook PC
again, the system will return the last state, which you want.
ViewSonic VNB100
4. Keep the data for future possible use
Your computer has been fully tested and complies with the system specifications before
shipping. However, incorrect operations, mishandling or any other reasons may loss your data,
e.g.: Delete or cover the data by error, Damage the HDD by vibration, Damaged by Network
virus, Disaster, Loss the data because of being stolen.
4-1 HDD Partition
The damage of the HDD or the operating system may be result in the loss of the data in the
So you need to save your data to another memory card to avoid losing the data.
In order to improve the performance of your Notebook PC, the HDD of your Notebook PC
can be formatted with some partitions, C, D and so on. Save files to the any partitions except C
partition. Then you can retrieval or reinstall the operating system without damaging your data.
Select the available software to part the HDD, as you like.
4-2 Class the data in the HDD
1) Files: Office files,Pictures,Music and so on.
2) E-mail: Sent mail, Address List and so on.
3) Information of Website: The favorite of Explorer,Bookmarks of Net-scape and so on.
Save these data to the same file, or else you may forget copying some files to the
spare HDD or the other memory card. Please save your data for future possible use
ViewSonic VNB100
5. Getting Started
5-1 Install the Rechargeable Battery
Power the Notebook PC before using it. There are two ways to power the Notebook PC: Use
the AC Adapter to power it or use the removable Battery Pack.
The Notebook PC is designed to work with a removable Battery Pack. Your Notebook PC
may or may not have its Battery Pack installed. If your Notebook PC does not have its Battery
Pack installed, using the following procedures to install the Battery Pack:
Push the Battery Pack toward the arrow into the Notebook PC until you hear it click and lock
into place.
5-2 Remove the Battery Pack
1. Turn off the Notebook PC,and disconnect all lines.
2. Shut down and turn over the computer to access its base in flat and clean work surface.
3. Slide the Battery Latch toward the arrow ①.
4. Draw the Battery Pack towards the arrow ② to release the Battery Pack from the
Notebook PC.
WARNING! For safety reasons, DO NOT disassemble the Battery Pack, DO NOT
short the circuit, DO NOT throw the Battery Pack into fire and keep it away from
When the Notebook PC with Battery Pack (disconnect the adapter) turns on, the
Power Indicator will turn on. And the light will turn off when in standby mode or
system halting.
DO NOT attempt to remove the Battery Pack while the Notebook PC turns on, as this
may result in the loss of working data.
Damage may occur if you use a different adapter to power the Notebook PC or use
the Notebook PC’s adapter to power other electrical devices.
ViewSonic VNB100
5-3 Connecting the Power Adapter
The Notebook PC comes with a universal AC-DC adapter and the allowable input voltage of
adapter is from 100V to 240V.
Following the below steps to connect the adapter:
1. Take the adapter and the power cord, and then connect the adapter with the power cord.
2. Plug the DC end of adapter into the power jack of the Notebook PC.
3. Insert the AC end to the wall outlet
4. Check the connections above correctly before turning on the Notebook PC.
DO NOT remove the Notebook PC if the HDD is being read or written, that may
result in the loss of the data and the damage of the disk. Follow the system steps to
turn off the Notebook PC.
Your Notebook PC and the accessories may differ from the pictures shown.
ViewSonic VNB100
6. Using Your Notebook PC
6-1 Turning on the Notebook PC
1. Open the LCD screen and adjust the angle of the
Notebook PC’s LCD Screen
2. Press the POWER button to turn on the Notebook
6-2 Adjust the Brightness of LCD Screen
The Notebook PC uses an active matrix TFT LCD and provides a Display (Monitor) Output
Port to connect the external monitor. The Notebook PC supports the function to adjust the LCD
Screen through the following composite buttons.
Shift between LCD Screen and external monitor
Decrease the brightness of screen
Increase the brightness of screen
LCD Screen is made of glass and may be damaged if the Notebook PC is dropped or
shoves any hard object.
6-3 Keyboard Usage
The Notebook PC’s integrated a keyboard with 84
Click the numeric/symbol keys to input the desired
keys after starting the keyboard.
Press <Fn+NumLk> key to enable the keypad, the
light indicates that the keypad is active; press <
Fn+NumLk> key again to disable the keypad.
Each key on the keyboard may have multiple functions in different software.
ViewSonic VNB100
Function Keys
These function keys with the color word or icon sign means that their function only can be
activated when clicking the function key and the <Fn> key at the same time.
<Fn>+<F1>:Turn on or turn off the camera window.
<Fn>+<F2>:Turn on or turn off the WiFi.
<Fn>+<F3>:Turn on or turn off the mute.
<Fn>+<F4>:Turn down the volume.
<Fn>+<F5>:Turn up the volume.
<Fn>+<F6>:Play or pause the playback.
<Fn>+<F7>:Return to the previous track.
<Fn>+<F8>:Go to the next track.
<Fn>+<F9>:Stop the playback.
<Fn>+<F10>:Shift between LCD Screen and external monitor.
<Fn>+<F11>/<F12>:Decrease/Increase brightness of LCD Screen.
6-4 Card Reader Usage
The Notebook PC has a single built-in memory card reader that can read the following flash
memory cards: Secure Digital, Multi-Media Card, Memory Stick. See the manual of the relevant
card for more information.
6-5 The Memory Card
6-5-1 Insert The Memory Card
The card only can be inserted in one orientation (with the card’s electrical contacts towards
the bottom of the unit) Force to insert the card may in result of damage.
6-5-2 Pull out the Memory Card
Stop the card’s operation, then pull the card out from the port.
ViewSonic VNB100
7. Internet Connection
7-1 Connect the Lineate LAN
Before connecting the network with your computer, setup your network system first, and then
connect telecommunication line to your Netbook PC.
Setting the Network system
Click the right button of the mouse on the “My Network Places”, click the left button of the mouse
on the “Properties” item to enter the “Network Connections” windows, as show below:
Contact your Internet service provider for more information about the setting of IP and
Click the right button of the mouse on the icon of “Local
Area Connections”, click left button of the mouse on the
“Properties” item to display the menu of “Local Area
Connection Properties”, as show right:
On the menu of “Local Area Connections Properties”,
click the left button of the mouse on the “Internet
Protocol(TCP/IP)”→ click the left button of the mouse on
the “Properties” to enter the “Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)
Properties” windows.
Select the “General” label on the “Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP)Properties” windows, and enter the address
of your IP and DNS, or select “Obtain an IP address
ViewSonic VNB100
7-2 Wireless LAN
Click <Fn>+<F2> to turn the wireless network on or off. When the wireless network turns on, the
WIFI Indicator turns on and the icon of WIFI will display on the right-bottom of the desktop.
Click the right button of the mouse on the icon of WIFI, click the left button of the mouse on the
“View Available Wireless Networks” of the pop-up menu or click the left button of the mouse
doubly on the icon of WIFI to enter the windows of “Wireless Network Connection”, as show
Click the left button of the mouse on the
“Refresh” of the windows, the system will
search and list the available wireless
Networks. The information of the
Networks will be displayed when you
select the relevant network. Some
Networks may need to type the
password before connecting.
While you don’t need to use the WIFI network, press <Fn>+<F2> to turn off and it can
increase the usage time of the Battery Pack.
ViewSonic VNB100
8. Power Managing System
8-1 Battery System
The Netbook PC is designed to work with a removable and high capability Battery Pack.
8-1-1 Checking Battery Power
Click the left button of the mouse on “Start”→“Control Panel”→“Performance and
Maintenance “ , then click “Power Options”, the menu will display as below. On the window, click
the left button of the mouse on “Power Meter” label to check the power of the battery.
Set the shortcut to check the remaining battery power: click the left button of the mouse on
“Advanced” label, select “ Always show icon on the taskbar”. Then move your cursor over the
power icon in the left-bottom of the desktop to see the battery power.
DO NOT attempt to remove the Battery Pack while the Netbook PC is turned on, as
this may result in loss of working data and damage of the Netbook PC.
When you use your Netbook PC first time, check the remaining battery power, and
make sure that the new Battery Pack has been completely charged.
The Battery Pack has limit on the number times it can be recharged. In any case,
the Battery Pack’s usage time will eventually decrease and a new Battery Pack
must be purchased from an authorized dealer for this Netbook PC.
ViewSonic VNB100
8-1-2 Charging the Battery Pack
When you use your Netbook PC first time, check the remaining battery power, and make
sure that the new Battery Pack has been completely charged before the Netbook PC is
disconnected from external power.
The Battery Pack begins to charge as soon as the Netbook PC is connected to the external
power, and the Charge Indicator light will turn on. When the Battery Pack charges completely,
the Charge Indicator light will turn off. Save your working data or connect the adapter when the
battery power is low. And the battery will stop charging if the battery is fully charged.
8-1-3 Low Power Warning
The system will display the warning windows and advise you to connect the adapter, when
battery power is low. Save your working data if you don’t have the adapter at this moment. The
warning function can be set in the “Power Options” menu.
8-1-4 Battery Power
The Battery Pack’s actual figure varies will depend on how you use the power saving
features, your general work habits, the CPU, system memory size, and the size of LCD Screen.
Please turn on the manage power function and connect the adapter to save electric power.
8-1-5 Store the Battery Pack
DO NOT leave the Battery Pack discharged; the Battery Pack will discharge over time. But
in any case, the Battery Pack’s usage time will eventually decrease and a new Battery Pack must
be purchased.
It is ideal that the battery be stored in a temperature range between 10℃ and 35℃. Any
temperatures above or below this range will shorten the life of the battery. If the temperature is
too high, it may cause fire or explode.
DO NOT throw the Netbook PC in municipal waste. Check local regulations for
disposal of electronic products.
8-1-6 Prolonging the Battery’s Life
Use the AC adapter wherever the AC wall outlet is available. Charge the battery
completely for using in your traveling.
The ideal working temperature is from 20℃ to 30℃. Any temperatures above or below this
range will shorten the actual usage time of the Battery Pack.
After charging the Battery Pack completely, keep the Battery Pack in the Netbook PC. It
will stop charging if the Battery Pack is fully charged and not be damaged.
DO NOT leave the Battery Pack discharged over three month, the Battery Pack will be
damaged, it must continue to be charge every three months, as well as the spare Battery
Purchase an additional Battery Pack.
DO NOT often plug or pull the Adapter from the electric outlets, it is the best way to prolong
the Battery Pack’s life.
ViewSonic VNB100
The life expectancy of the Battery Pack is approximately 300 recharges.
Store the Battery Pack in cool and dry place, the ideal temperature is from 10℃ to 30℃.
The Battery Pack will discharge quickly in hot environment and the life of the Battery Pack
will be shortened.
DO NOT throw the Netbook PC in municipal waste. Check local regulations for disposal of
electronic products.
DO NOT put the Battery Pack near or in the fire, or else it may cause fire or explode.
The Battery Pack will short circuit if the Battery Pack puncture or reassemble.
8-2 Power Management Modes
8-2-1 Standby mode of the System
The function of Standby mode: Store your current data and status in RAM, turn off the external
device, but the Power Indicator Light still turns on. If you press the POWER button, the system
will operate again.
8-2-2 Hibernate
In “Hibernate” mode: The current data and status are stored on HDD and the Netbook PC
turns off (the Power Indicator Light will turn off). Press the POWER button to restarting the
Activate the “Hibernate” function: Click the left button of the mouse on the “Hibernate” label
of the“Power Options Properties”windows, select the “Enable Hibernate”, then “System
Hibernate” will display in“Power Options Properties” windows.
8-2-3 Log Off
Click the left button of the mouse on “Start” → click the left button of the mouse on “Turn Off
Computer” → select “Standby” or “Hibernate” → Enter the standby mode or the hibernate mode.
If the system is force to turn off because of using up the power in the standby mode. Your
current data and status will be stored on the HDD. The system will operate again after changing
a power-full battery or connecting the wall outlets.
When the power is used up, the Netbook PC will exit the standby mode and turn off. Store
your working data, before using up the power of the Battery Pack.
8-2-4 Restart the System
Press POWER button to exit the suspend mode and enter the current status. And the
“restart” function will reactivate all the operating programs.
Press and hold the POWER button for over 4 seconds to turn off the Netbook PC if
the system halts. Press and hold the POWER button for over 2 seconds to turn off in
normal mode.
ViewSonic VNB100
8-3 Power Saving
When you use a battery as the source power for your Netbook PC, you can take advantage
of power management settings to conserve battery life.
8-3-1 Connect the Adapter without using Battery Pack
The Battery Pack has a limit on the number times it can be recharged. DO NOT use the
Battery Pack if you have the adapter.
8-3-2 Adjust the brightness of LCD Screen
If necessary, adjust the brightness of the LCD Screen in order to save the electric power.
Close the LCD Screen if you don’t need to use your computer for a brief period.
ViewSonic VNB100
9. Upgrading Your Notebook PC
9-1 Connect the External Monitor
The Notebook PC supplies a VGA port for connecting External Monitor or projective device.
9-1-1 How to connect the External Monitor
1. Turn off the Notebook PC and insert the 15-pin
D-sub monitor plug to the external monitor.
2. Turn on the Notebook PC.
<Fn>+<F10>:Shift between LCD Screen
and external monitor.
9-1-2 Connect Keyboard and Mouse
The Notebook PC’s integrated a keyboard with 84 keys. If you want to use the external
keyboard or mouse, connect the external keyboard and external mouse by the USB port.
When you disconnect the external keyboard or external mouse from the computer,
grasp the connector, not the cable itself, and pull firmly but gently to avoid damaging
the cable.
9-1-3 Connect Audio Device
The Notebook PC can be connected headphone,
sound box and microphone.
The speaker will turn off automatically after connecting the external headphone to the
Notebook PC. Excessively loud volume could damage your hearing. So turn down the
volume before connecting earphone, and then raise the volume to comfortable level.
ViewSonic VNB100
9-1-4 Lock Port
The Lock Port allows the Notebook PC to be
secured using and can prevent the Notebook PC to
be removed from a fixed object.
9-2 Enter the BIOS Setup Menu
Follow the below steps to enter the BIOS Setup Menu:
1. Click F2 button quickly during loading the system, then the system will enter “Setup Utility”
as shown below:
2. Click the left/ right direction keys to select “Boot” and click the Enter button to enter the
below menu:
On the menu, click the up/down direction keys to select “Legacy” and click the Enter button to
enter the below menu:
ViewSonic VNB100
3. Click the up/down direction keys to select “Boot Type Order” and click the Enter button to
enter the below menu:
4. Click the “Shift” + ”+”or click ”-“ directly to remove the item position and then click the
up/down direction button to select the startup option. Proceed to click F10 to popup the
dialogue box and select “Yes” firstly, then click “Enter” to save the setting as shown below:
There is no need to change the startup order and click F12 directly to select the
temporary startup option after turning on the unit.
9-3 System Recovery Management
9-3-1 One Key for System Recovery
If the system becomes corrupted or is erased, you needs to reinstall the operating system and
software and etc. Use the system recovery to restore the hard disc of your computer when you
purchased. Please refer to operate as following step:
Turn on the Notebook PC, then press F3 button when the screen shows “To Start
Windows Recovery,Press【F3】 Function Key …”.
Read “Notes” on the dialogue box that popped up afterwards, then click “OK” to enter
“System Recovery” and click “Recover”.
“Recover completed, Click ‘OK’ to restart computer.” would appear in several minutes,
then click “OK” and restart the computer to recover the system to the factory status.
ViewSonic VNB100
To enter WINDOWS XP at the first time since recovered preinstalled status, the system
would run auto-load procedure that may need about 5 minutes. Please don’t do any operation
during loading and the system would popup the warning of restart the computer as below,
clicking “OK” to restart the computer to finish the system initialization.
Be sure to copy the data to other storage device before recovery.
Don’t adjust HDD partition manually, or it would lead to the recovery disabled.
Suggest connecting the power adapter to prevent the system destroy during recover.
If pressed F3 by mistake, but there is no necessary to recover system. You can select
“Cancel” on the dialogue box that popped up at the second step and exit from the
recovery, then restart the computer to avoid the data loss.
9-3-1 System Recovery CD
You must connect an optional optical disc drive to use the System Recovery CD and operate as
the prompt indication on the menu to finish the recovery.
This CD restores your computer to its original state, so user data and applications will
be lost.
The System Recovery CD contains a backup copy of the system and drive originally
installed on your hard disk drive. The System Recovery utility will perform a Full Restore with
Format. It formats the hard disk drive, then restores all the original state.
Full Restore with Format removes all the information on the hard disk drive. You will
lose any software you have installed and any other files you have created since you
started to use your computer. This means you will have to reinstall any applications
that were not with the computer when you purchased it.
ViewSonic VNB100
10. Appendix
10-1 Troubleshooting
Q1:How to turn off the Notebook PC when the halted system cannot warm boot?
A:Press the POWER button and hold 4 or 6 seconds to turn off the Notebook PC.
Q2:How to check the Notebook PC if the Notebook PC cannot be turned off?
A:1.If the power is low, connect to the electric outlets.
2.Check that the video display system is not in the external monitor mode.
3.Make sure the indicator of the adapter turns on and the adapter works well.
4. Remove the U disk, SD card and any other external device.
Q3:If the water come into the Notebook PC
A:1. DO NOT turn on the Notebook PC.
2. Disconnect the outlet cable and detach the Battery Pack in order to turn off the Notebook
PC, instead of pressing the POWER button to turn off it. Disconnect all external devices.
3. Spill out the water from the Notebook PC. Use a soft and waterish paper or cloth to wipe
the surface of the Notebook PC lightly.
4. Use the fanner to dry the Notebook PC and the accessories, and then send to the service
center for advice.
5. DO NOT place the Notebook PC into the dirty carrying case to again.
Q4:How to prolong the life of the Battery Pack?
A:1. Adjust the brightness of the LCD Screen to proper level.
2. Turn down the volume.
3. Make the appropriate setting in the Power Management menu.
Q5: If the image isn’t clear
A: Check that the lens is clear or not, if not, clean with the soft cloth.
Q6: If the mobile moves slowly
A: The camera needs some light when gathering the data and the speed will be slow if the light
condition isn’t good. Please adjust the screen position of the Notebook PC or the position of the
The image display also shall be slower by the heavy loading for the system when the many
applications are running. Please close the unused procedure.
Q5 and Q6 are the questions when you are using the camera for video capture,
conferencing, and chatting.
ViewSonic VNB100
10-2 Specifications
Main Feature
Intel Atom N270 (1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB)
2.5W MAX
CPU Power Consumption
On-die, primary 32-kB instructions cache and 24-kB,
write-back data cache
L1 Cache Size
L2 Cache Size
Memory (#)
512-kB on-die second level cache
1GB(Max 2GB)
Memory Type
DDRII 533/667 MHz
HDD Capacities (#)
TFT Screen
TFT Screen Size
Screen Type
10” inch
TFT LCD 1024X600
Built-in Camera
1.3M Pixels
Video/Audio Feature
Video Card Type
Video Card Capacity
Audio System
Sound Card Type
I/O Device
Intel GMA 950
Share Dynamic EMS Memory 128MB(Max)
Built-in speaker
HD Codec
Touch Pad
84-key keyboard
Operating Temperature
Operating Humidity
Storage Temperature
Storage Humidity
ViewSonic VNB100
AC 100~240V; DC 12V
Output Power (maximum)
Battery (Type)
Lithium rechargeable battery
Port Standard
LAN Type: 10/100Base-T
Wireless Card: 802.11 b/g
Headphone Port, Speaker, Built-in Microphone,
Microphone Port
Audio Port
USB Port
USB-A Port(x3),USB2.0
Support SD/MMC/MS Card
Express Card/34
SD Card Port
Express Card Port
VGA Port
D-15 Output
Physical Features
No battery
With battery
About 1.1Kg
About 1.4Kg
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. The # symbol means
that the item is optional.
ViewSonic VNB100
Customer Support
For technꢀcal support or product servꢀce, see the table below or contact your reseller.
NOTE: You wꢀll need the product serꢀal number.
T = Telephone
AUS= 1800 880 818
NZ= 0800 008 822
Australꢀa/New Zealand
T (Toll-Free)= 1-866-463-4775
T (Toll)= 1-424-233-2533
F= 1-909-468-1202
Hong Kong
Contact your reseller
T= 852 3102 2900
T= 1800 11 9999
T= 080 333 2131
Latꢀn Amerꢀca
T= 0800 666 0194
Latꢀn Amerꢀca (Brazꢀl)
Latꢀn Amerꢀca (Chꢀle)
T= 0800 891 6984
T= 800 440 303
Latꢀn Amerꢀca
T= 01 800 915 6588
T= 001 800 514 6518
Latꢀn Amerꢀca (Mexꢀco)
Renta y Datos, 29 SUR 721, COL. LA PAZ, 72160 PUEBLA, PUE. Tel: 01.222.891.55.77 CON 10 LINEAS
Electroser, Av Reforma No. 403Gx39 y 41, 97000 Mérꢀda, Yucatán. Tel: 01.999.925.19.16
Latꢀn Amerꢀca (Peru)
T= 0800 53458
T= 853 700 303
T= 1-800-688-6688 (Englꢀsh)
T= 1-866-379-1304 (Spanꢀsh)
F= 1-909-468-1202
Puerto Rꢀco & Vꢀrgꢀn Islands
South Afrꢀca
T= 65 6461 6044
T (Toll-Free)= 888-572-9237
Unꢀted States
T (Toll)= 909-444-8801
ViewSonic VNB100
Limited Warranty
What the warranty covers:
VꢀewSonꢀc warrants ꢀts products to be free from defects ꢀn materꢀal and workmanshꢀp durꢀng the
warranty perꢀod. If a product proves to be defectꢀve ꢀn materꢀal or workmanshꢀp durꢀng the warranty
perꢀod, VꢀewSonꢀc wꢀll, at ꢀts sole optꢀon, repaꢀr or replace the product wꢀth a sꢀmꢀlar product.
Replacement Product or parts may ꢀnclude remanufactured or refurbꢀshed parts or components.
The replacement unꢀt wꢀll be covered by the balance of the tꢀme remaꢀnꢀng on the customer’s
orꢀgꢀnal lꢀmꢀted warranty. VꢀewSonꢀc provꢀdes no warranty for the thꢀrd-party software ꢀncluded wꢀth
the product or ꢀnstalled by the customer.
How long the warranty is effective:
ViewSonic NetBook products are warranted for (1) year from the first consumer purchase for parts
and labor.
User ꢀs responsꢀble for the back up of any data before returnꢀng the unꢀt for servꢀce. VꢀewSonꢀc ꢀs
not responsꢀble for any data lost.
Who the warranty protects:
This warranty is valid only for the first consumer purchaser.
What the warranty does not cover:
1. Any product on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed.
2. Damage, deterꢀoratꢀon or malfunctꢀon resultꢀng from:
a. Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature, unauthorized product
modification, or failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.
b. Any damage of the product due to shꢀpment.
c. Removal or ꢀnstallatꢀon of the product.
d. Causes external to the product, such as electrical power fluctuations or failure.
e. Use of supplies or parts not meeting ViewSonic’s specifications.
f. Normal wear and tear.
g. Any other cause whꢀch does not relate to a product defect.
3. Any product exhꢀbꢀtꢀng a condꢀtꢀon commonly known as “ꢀmage burn-ꢀn” whꢀch results when a
statꢀc ꢀmage ꢀs dꢀsplayed on the product for an extended perꢀod of tꢀme.
4. Removal, ꢀnstallatꢀon, one way transportatꢀon, ꢀnsurance, and set-up servꢀce charges.
How to get service:
1. For ꢀnformatꢀon about receꢀvꢀng servꢀce under warranty, contact VꢀewSonꢀc Customer Support
(Please refer to Customer Support page). You wꢀll need to provꢀde your product’s serꢀal number.
2. To obtaꢀn warranty servꢀce, you wꢀll be requꢀred to provꢀde (a) the orꢀgꢀnal dated sales slꢀp, (b)
your name, (c) your address, (d) a descrꢀptꢀon of the problem, and (e) the serꢀal number of the
3. Take or shꢀp the product freꢀght prepaꢀd ꢀn the orꢀgꢀnal contaꢀner to an authorꢀzed VꢀewSonꢀc
servꢀce center or VꢀewSonꢀc.
4. For addꢀtꢀonal ꢀnformatꢀon or the name of the nearest VꢀewSonꢀc servꢀce center, contact
4.3: VꢀewSonꢀc NetBook Warranty
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ViewSonic VNB100
Limitation of implied warranties:
There are no warrantꢀes, express or ꢀmplꢀed, whꢀch extend beyond the descrꢀptꢀon contaꢀned hereꢀn
including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Exclusion of damages:
VꢀewSonꢀc’s lꢀabꢀlꢀty ꢀs lꢀmꢀted to the cost of repaꢀr or replacement of the product. VꢀewSonꢀc shall
not be lꢀable for:
1. Damage to other property caused by any defects ꢀn the product, damages based upon
inconvenience, loss of use of the product, loss of time, loss of profits, loss of business
opportunꢀty, loss of goodwꢀll, ꢀnterference wꢀth busꢀness relatꢀonshꢀps, or other commercꢀal loss,
even ꢀf advꢀsed of the possꢀbꢀlꢀty of such damages.
2. Any other damages, whether ꢀncꢀdental, consequentꢀal or otherwꢀse.
3. Any claꢀm agaꢀnst the customer by any other party.
4. Repaꢀr or attempted repaꢀr by anyone not authorꢀzed by VꢀewSonꢀc.
Effect of state law:
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from
state to state. Some states do not allow lꢀmꢀtatꢀons on ꢀmplꢀed warrantꢀes and/or do not allow the
exclusꢀon of ꢀncꢀdental or consequentꢀal damages, so the above lꢀmꢀtatꢀons and exclusꢀons may not
apply to you.
Sales outside the U.S.A. and Canada:
For warranty ꢀnformatꢀon and servꢀce on VꢀewSonꢀc products sold outsꢀde of the U.S.A. and
Canada, contact VꢀewSonꢀc or your local VꢀewSonꢀc dealer.
The warranty perꢀod for thꢀs product ꢀn maꢀnland Chꢀna (Hong Kong, Macao and Taꢀwan Excluded)
ꢀs subject to the terms and condꢀtꢀons of the Maꢀntenance Guarantee Card.
For users ꢀn Europe and Russꢀa, full detaꢀls of warranty provꢀded can be found ꢀn www.
vꢀewsonꢀceurope.com under Support/Warranty Informatꢀon.
4.3: VꢀewSonꢀc NetBook Warranty
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